Colleges and units may submit a data request to obtain information regarding audiences or general student trends.

Data Request Restrictions

  • Requested data should be about the college or academic unit’s audience, or general student trends.
  • Data requests should present efficient solutions to straightforward problems or questions. They should not be used to create specialized workarounds to solve niche problems.
  • Requested data and reports will be presented in Tableau or in a live Slate report.
  • Data will not be exported from Slate unless absolutely necessary. This protects student data and ensures information is as recent as possible.

Data Request Requirements

Data requests must be submitted within Basecamp (OUA’s project management platform) and assigned to OUA-Contact. Requests must be submitted at least 10 business days (2 weeks) in advance of the assigned due date and must come from the college communications/marketing/admissions representative. In general, we cannot service requests from departments. Those requests must filter up through college staff members who are approved to submit Basecamp requests.

The OUA-Contact team will then review the details of your request, and will reassign the request to the Data Services Team, who will complete the data request as soon as they are reasonably able.

For more details on what to include in your request, visit our How to Submit a Request page. Each data request will be reviewed based on the following factors:


  • Request is submitted at least 10 business days (2 weeks) in advance of the due date
  • Any follow-up questions are answered well in advance of the due date
  • The timing of your request makes sense for the audience or information you’re requesting
  • If your request is submitted during a blackout date or a time with high-request volume, it may be rescheduled based on priority, workload, and resource availability. These periods are generally defined as key points in the admissions cycle:
    • Late August/Early September (Cycle Start)
    • November 1 (Early Action Deadline)
    • Late February/Early March (Regular Decision Deadline)
    • March/April (Yield Season)
    • May 1 (Accept Deadline)


  • The Enrollment Management team will evaluate the information you requested to make sure the request will meet your goal and that the fields you requested make sense in relation to the context you provided.
  • If there are multiple pieces to your request or if you’re requesting a special project, the Enrollment Management team will reach out with follow-up questions and may provide alternate solutions or an extended timeline. It’s best to submit requests with a lot of pieces several months ahead of your required deadline.


  • The Enrollment Management team will determine if there are other, more efficient solutions, or if the information requested is available for your team to pull from another existing data report.