Content Marketing

What Is Content Marketing? We define content marketing as any material, including videos, blogs, or social media posts, that stimulates interest in a brand's products or services even if the material isn't explicitly advertising the brand itself. For example, a social media post featuring students playing frisbee on the Quad doesn't have to go into detail on all of the benefits of attending UIUC; the picture of students enjoying themselves with an attractive campus in the background can be enough to pique someone's interest in the university. Why Is Content Marketing Useful? Our primary goal when recruiting students at the top [...]


Lead Generation

What Is Lead Generation? Lead generation is the process of capturing names and information of people interested in something. For our purposes, lead generation often means someone provides a unit with information (name, email, address, etc.) and in turn expects something from the university. For example, when a student signs up to receive more information or registers to attend an event, they submit information and expect to hear more about what a unit can offer them. These leads then become actionable. For every name, email, and address entered into Slate, a person can be contacted by units relevant to them. This [...]



What Is SEO? SEO, or search engine optimization, is the process of making content streamlined to achieve better results on searched topics. For example, the Office of Undergraduate Admissions should be a topic result on Google for the search term "University of Illinois Admissions." When someone types in that search term, our website should be one of the first results. The largest web traffic source category for the Admissions website is search. For many of us, search traffic makes up much of the traffic we get on our websites each day. Many of us like to imagine that users come into [...]


Marketing Plans

What is a marketing plan? A marketing plan is a key component to recruiting and yielding students. It provides an overview of what marketing programs you plan to utilize to achieve your objectives and articulates how success will be measured. Does OUA have a marketing plan? Yes, the Office of Undergraduate Admissions has a marketing plan, and we're happy to share it with the R&Y Network. We're also happy to share other units' marketing plans upon request. Do I need a marketing plan? Yes. Each college or academic unit that partners with the Office of Undergraduate Admissions to recruit and/or yield [...]



What Is Market Research? Research is an important part of understanding our audiences. Market research can provide us with key data on audience opinion, viable communications tactics, and more. Students, parents, and other stakeholders in the admissions process have a lot of opinions on what they want. We should listen to them! Listening to our audiences will improve our communications and marketing efforts. If you're planning on your own research efforts, let us know. Ask for any help or advice you might need and be sure to share the results of your research. Research in one area of campus can likely [...]



Reporting allows us to evaluate our success in communication and marketing efforts as well as do research for future projects. Enrollment Management offers a variety of reporting that's helpful to units across campus. If you're a unit that sends communications via Enrollment Management/OUA processes, you can request small-scale custom reporting as well. Reporting Resources Accept/Decline Surveys. Our accept/decline surveys allow units to look at a variety of questions asked to students who either accepted or declined their offer of admission to the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Students respond to questions about how they found the university, why they made their choice, [...]


Annual Marketing Report

The Annual Marketing Report provides a summary of marketing activity related to undergraduate recruitment and yield through the Office of Undergraduate Admissions. 2021 Marketing Report Slide deck Recorded presentation We recommend watching the recording to get the most information. Topics include: The enrollment funnel Marketing efforts and goals by channel OUA's advertising efforts & strategy Web content performance Social media performance Email outcomes & more


2022 Admissions Cycle Marketing Plan

Chris Axtman-Barker, Marketing Coordinator within the Office of Communications for Enrollment Management, presents the 2022 Admissions Cycle Marketing Plan, providing information on overall strategy and ways to collaborate. If you work in a college or campus unit here at UIUC and create a marketing plan for prospective students, this is resource designed primarily to inform you of our efforts within Undergraduate Admissions. The slide deck for this presentation is also available for viewing, but keep in mind it lacks valuable context found within the presentation recording.

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