Calling & Texting

Top Priorities for Calling & Texting Encourage action. Calling and texting should be restricted to campaigns. In other words, you should have a specific reason for calling or texting, encouraging action. Avoid marketing messages. Any calls or texts should be helpful, timely, and relevant. These are not appropriate channels for general marketing messages. Again, focus on a call to action. Target specific populations. If you have an audience segment that you wish to target, calling and texting could be ideal. For example, you may be trying to increase enrollment from a particular group. A call or text may be perfect to [...]


Texting Policy

Requirements All text messages should be sent via Slate in cooperation with the Office of Enrollment Management. This ensures that student statuses are up to date, reduces the risk of texts being filtered as spam, and enables centralized metrics and functional tracking. The college/unit sending the text message must have staff online for at least two hours after sending a text message to handle responses, since communication expectations with text messages are immediate. You must have consent to text the people on your list. When a student or parent fills out an inquiry form, they have the option to opt-in to [...]

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