Applicant Communication Policy

An applicant is defined as a student that has submitted an application but has not yet received a decision. Therefore an applicant audience includes students that will unfortunately be denied. Due to the sensitive nature of applicant communications, colleges and units are not allowed to communicate with applicants. The Office of Undergraduate Admissions manages an applicant communications plan to ensure students continue to receive touch points from Illinois while awaiting a decision.


Data Request Policy

Colleges and units may submit a data request to obtain information regarding audiences or general student trends. Data Request Restrictions Requested data should be about the college or academic unit's audience, or general student trends. Data requests should present efficient solutions to straightforward problems or questions. They should not be used to create specialized workarounds to solve niche problems. Requested data and reports will be presented in Tableau or in a live Slate report. Data will not be exported from Slate unless absolutely necessary. This protects student data and ensures information is as recent as possible. Data Request Requirements Data requests [...]


College/Unit Marketing & Communication Plan Policy

Marketing Plan Requirements Before each admissions cycle, colleges and other strategic partners are required to submit a comprehensive marketing plan to OUA-Contact by August 1. Marketing plans are shared with the R&Y Network and reviewed by Enrollment Management. Not only does this allow for transparency, but it also optimizes coordination of activity. Learn more about marketing plans, including the Office of Undergraduate Admissions marketing plan. Communication Plan Requirements Before each admissions cycle, colleges and other strategic partners are required to submit a communication plan to OUA-Contact by August 1. The communication plan should include all of the upcoming cycle's emails, mailings, [...]


Program Explorer Edit Policy

What is the Program Explorer? The Program Explorer is an interface on the Admissions website that allows users to explore undergraduate majors. What information is editable within the Program Explorer? College staff may request an edit to the following information: Description—Descriptions are carefully crafted to be informative and understandable for those who do not yet have a high school degree. Please consider these factors when submitting an edit suggestion. Career options Sample employer destinations—You can select up to three sample employers from your program's full employer list. If an employer isn't included in your full list, we can't add that employer [...]


Texting Policy

Requirements All text messages should be sent via Slate in cooperation with the Office of Enrollment Management. This ensures that student statuses are up to date, reduces the risk of texts being filtered as spam, and enables centralized metrics and functional tracking. The college/unit sending the text message must have staff online for at least two hours after sending a text message to handle responses, since communication expectations with text messages are immediate. You must have consent to text the people on your list. When a student or parent fills out an inquiry form, they have the option to opt-in to [...]


How to Request Edits to the Program Explorer

We present our programs of study through an interface called the Program Explorer. This tool allows students to see what we offer and learn more about each program of interest. Some program explorer information comes directly from data sources; however, some information is provided by the college. You can read more about what information colleges can edit within the Program Explorer on our policy page. If you have program information that needs to be edited, please submit a request. Submit edit

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